
Provisional result of the selection against advertisement No. 06/2023 and 10/2024 for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Corrigendum in reference to advertisement no. 02/2025 dated 03-01-2025

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor in various departments vide advertisement no. 02/2025 dated 03-01-2025

Advertisement for the post of Nursing Tutor, Staff Nurse, Hindi Translator, Accountant, Physiotherapist and Pump Operator vide advertisement no. 01/2025 dated 03-01-2025

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor in various departments through hybrid mode vide advertisement no. 19/2024 dated 30-12-2024

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview (hybrid mode) for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry) held on 23-12-2024 (Advt. No. 18/2024)

Provisional result of the ATF counseling for the post of Counselor and Data Manager held on 24.12.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme (Advt. No. 12/2024 & 14/2024)

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Data Manager held on 23.09.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Counselor held on 23.09.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Notification regarding admission to MD Psychiatry Course for the session 2024-27

Call Letter for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Notification for list of eligible candidatesfor the posts of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and reject list for the post of Associate Professor of Microbiology along with the date of interview for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Advertisement for walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident Doctors (three years tenure) for various departments to be held on 23.12.2024 through hybrid mode vide advertisement no. 18/2024

Advertisement of the post of Chief Finance & Accounts Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer and Administrative Officer by deputation vide advertisement no. 17/2024

Office Order regarding bilingual forms (Hindi & English) of the Institute

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Project Research Scientist - I (non-medical) for an ICMR- Funded Project (contractual) held on 27.09.2024

Advertisement of the post of Associate Professor (Microbiology) vide advertisement no. 16/2024 dated 26th September, 2024

Notification regarding additional list for the post of Technical Coordinator/ Project coordinator National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS)

Walk-in-interview for the post of Project Research Scientist - I (non-medical) for an ICMR-funded project

Notice for provisional result of the Second Mop-Up admission counseling for M.Sc Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) course 2024-25 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur held on 09-09-2024

Second Mop-Up Counselling for M.Sc in Psychiatric Nursing Program,Session 2024-25

Advertisement/Vacancy Circular of the post of Stenographer Grade II to be filled up on deputation basis in North Eastern Council Secretariat, Shillong

Public notice for continuation of M.Phil. Clinical Psychology and M.Phil. Rehabilitation Psychology for the academic session 2024-25 & 2025-26

Notice for Provisional Result of the admission counseling of M. Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) course 2024-2025 at LGBRIMH. Tezpur, held on 22.08.2024, 26.08.2024. 30.08.2024 & 02.09.2024

Mop-up Counselling for Admission in to M.Sc. Psychiatric Nursing

Notice regardig result of admission counselling of MMLS (Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology & Blood Banking, Medical Microbiology) course 2024 held on 27th August, 2024

Additional list of admission counselling from Department of Psychiatric Nursing, LGBRIMH, Tezpur ( Gauhati University)

Vacancy position for M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing program at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Advertisement for walk-in-interview to be held for the post of Counsellor for 3 months under ATF(Addiction Treatment Facility) scheme vide advertisement no. 14/2024 dated 27th August, 2024

Advertisement for walk-in-interview to be held for various Temporary/ Contractual posts for 3 months under ATF(Addiction Treatment Facility) scheme on 10-09-2024 at Medical Superintendent Conference Hall General Hospital Aalo

Addendum in reference to advertisement no. 12/2024 dated 23rd August, 2024

Advertisement for walk-in-interview to be held for various Temporary/ Contractual posts for 3 months under ATF(Addiction Treatment Facility) scheme vide advertisement no. 12/2024 dated 23rd August, 2024(Place of posting: S M K Hospital, Nalbari)

Advertisement for walk-in-interview to be held for various Temporary/ Contractual posts for 3 months under ATF(Addiction Treatment Facility) scheme vide advertisement no. 13/2024 dated 23rd August, 2024

Notice for Second round of counselling for NER candidates for M.Sc (Nursing) Psychiatric Nursing & Masters in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MMLS)

List of shortlisted candidates for counselling for admission into M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing course (2024-25) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

List of shortlisted candidates for counselling for admission into MMLS course (2024-25) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice regarding admission counselling dates for the M.Sc.(Nursing) Psychiatric Nursing & MMLS course at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice regarding provisional result of the written examination for admission into Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course (2024-25) held on 09-08-2024

Notice regarding list of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D in Psychiatric Nursing course 2024-25

Notice regarding list of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work course 2024-25

Notice regarding list of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D in Clinical Psychology course 2024-25

Notice regarding list of provisionally selected candidates for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology course 2024-25

Notice regarding list of provisionally selected candidates for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work course 2024-25

Additional counselling schedule for admission into M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work programme in LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Additional counselling schedule for admission into M.Phil in Clinical Psychology programme in LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Advertisement for filling up the posts of Medical Superintendent, Chief Finance and Accounts Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer and Administrative Officer by deputation vide advertisement no. 11/2024 dated 09th August, 2024

Notice regarding extension of date for the admission counseling for the mop-up round for vacant seats in the M.Phil programs (Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice regarding written examination for admission into Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification regarding second round of Admission Counseling for the M.Phil programs in Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Biochemistry/Neurochemistry and Neurology vide advertisement no. 10/2024 dated 1st August, 2024

Advertisement for the post of Hindi Translator and Accountant vide advertisement no. 09/2024 dated 30th July, 2024

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview (hybrid mode) for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/ Pathology) held on 22-07-2024 (Advt. No. 08/2024)

Introduction to Department of Addiction Medicine (DAM) e-learn Initiative

Notification regarding admission in Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course (2024) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Admission counseling schedule notice for Ph.D in Psychiatric Nursing Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Admission counseling schedule notice for Ph.D in Clinical Psychology Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Admission counseling schedule notice for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Admission counseling schedule notice for Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Admission counseling schedule notice for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice regarding admission counseling for M.Phil in (Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology) and Ph.D in (Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology & Psychiatric Nursing), LGBRIMH, Tezpur

List of Eligible/Rejected candidates for the post of Senior Resident of Psychiatry as per advertisement no. 08/2024 dated 03.07.2024

Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Senior Resident Doctors (three years teneure) to be held on 22.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Consultant/ Asst. Prof. and Consultant/ Senior Resident under National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts Psychiatric Social Worker under NMHP held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Staff Nurse ATF (Addiction Treatment Facility) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Technical Coordinator/ Project coordinator National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional result of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Coordinator on contract basis in the National Commission for Women (NCW) funded project entitled "Mental Health Needs, Help Seeking Behaviour, Policies, and Practices for Mental Health Promotion among Female Students in Colleges of Sonitpur and Nagaon Districts of Assam"

List of Eligible/Rejected candidates for the post of Consultant/Senior Resident(Tele-MANAS), Technical Coordinator/Project Coordinator(Tele-MANAS), Psychiatric Social Worker(NMHP) and Staff Nurse

Notification regarding the provisional result for the interview of Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 07.06.2024

List of eligible/ rejected candidates for the post of Project Coordinator as per advertisement no. 10/2023 vide No. LGB/ACA/DPSW/RA/3109/3175 dated 11.06.2024

Advertisement for interview to be held on 01.07.2024 for various posts under NMHP through hybrid mode at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Coordinator on contract basis in the National Commission for Women (NCW) funded project entitled "Mental Health Needs, Help Seeking Behaviour, Policies, and Practices for Mental Health Promotion among Female Students in Colleges of Sonitpur and Nagaon Districts of Assam"

Vacancy Circular the post of Sr. Financial Advisor on deputation basis at Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Senior Consultant/ Assistant Professor, Consultant/ Senior Resident and Technical Coordinator/ Project Coordinator under National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS) to be held on 01.07.2024

Admission for Post Doctoral Fellowship/ Fellowship course for 1 year

In reference to Notification no. LGB/Estt/CA/2211/23/6910 dated 05-12-2023, all applications are requested to submit documents as stated in Annexure-I

Circular for LGBRIMH Hostel rules (Amended upto 15-04-2024)

Notification regarding cancellation of advertisement for the posts of Senior Consultant/ Assistant Professor and Technical Coordinator/ Project Coordinator under Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS)

Notification regarding cancellation of advertisement for the posts of Medical Record Technician, Mechanic (Boiler), Garden Supervisor and Laundry Supervisor

Notification regarding advertisement no. 13/2023 for the post of Publication Officer and Publication Asssitant

Advertisement for the post of Publication Officer and Publication Asssitant (Advertisement No. 04/2024 dated 07-03-2024)

Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Senior Consultant/ Assistant Professor and Technical Coordinator/ Project Coordinator to be held on 22nd March, 2024

Vacancy circular by ICMR for filling up of one post of Assistant Director General (Administration) on Deputation basis including short term contract for a period of 3 years

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/ Microbiology) held on 16-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result in reference to Advt. No. 02/2024 for various posts(contractual engagement) under NMHP held on 31-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result for the post of Staff Nurse (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme held on 31-01-2024

List of eligible/ rejected candidates for the post of LDC as per advertisement no. 10/2023 vide No. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-V/4837 dated 25.08.2023

Circular in continuation of Office Order No. LGB/Estt/333/99/P-I/408 dated 23.01.2024 regarding 75th Republic Day celebration on 26-01-2024

Advertisement for the posts of Medical Superintendent, Chief Finance and Accounts Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer and Administrative Officer by deputation at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Circular regarding 75th Republic Day celebration on 26-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result for Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 05-01-2024

Brochure for online certificate course on Fundamentals in Substance Use Disorders

Advertisement for interview to be held on 31.01.2024 for various posts under NMHP through hybrid mode at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Advertisement for walk-in-interview for the post of Staff Nurse for 1 year under ATF (Addiction Treatment Facility) scheme on 31-01-2024

Brochure for online certificate course on Psychosocial Counselling in Substance Use Disorder

Brochure for online certificate course on Mental Health

Advertisement/ Vacancy circular for 1(one) post of Adviser (Health) on deputation (including short term contract) basis in the North Eastern Council Secretariat, Nongrim Hills, Shillong - 793003

Brochure for online course on Fundamentals of Family Therapy

Brochure for online certificate course on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Brochure for online certificate course in basic skills and application of Neuropsychology

Circular for e-Investment Choice for Government sector subscribers from Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

Advertisement for walk-in-interview on 16-01-2024 for the posts of Senior Resident Doctors (three years tenure) in various Departments of the Institute vide advertisement no. 14/2023 dated 22-12-2023

Advertisement/ Vacancy Circular for the post of Stenographer Grade-II to be filled up on deputation basis in the North Eastern Council Secretariat, Shillong

Notification regarding the candidates found eligible and recommended by evaluation committee for the recruitment of MTS (Plumbing Section) and MTS (Boiler Attendant Section)

Walk-in-Interview for admission into Post Doctoral Fellowship/ Fellowship course

Notification regarding applications received not accompanied with relavant supporting documents vide notification no. LGB/Estt/1671/PT-III/5858 dated 19-10-2023

Circular regarding "Swachh Diwali Shubh Diwali" Campaign initiated vide Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India

Notification regarding list of admitted students to M.Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) for the session 2023-25

Request for Expression of Interest(EoI) for ICMR's study on improving population healthcare- seeking and community engagement for prevention and control of Non-Communicable diseases Care in India-Application Assistance- 1st November 2023

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Consultant/ Senior Resident under Tele-MANAS held on 25.09.2023

Notice in reference to notification no. LGB/Estt/1671/Pt-III/5494 dated 29.09.2023 for all claimants against appointment on compensatory ground

Advertisement for the post of Publication Officer and Publication Assistant by direct recruitment basis vide advertisement no. 13/2023 dated 17th October, 2023

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 25-09-2023

Download Call Letter-cum-Admit Card for the interview/ written examination for the posts of Statistician cum lecturer, Spech Therapist and Multi Tasking Staff (Plumbing Section/Electrical Section/Boiler Attendant Section /Sewing Section of Rehab Centre /Pump Operation Section)

Circular regarding the Regulations of Course Curriculum of LGBRIMH

Notification for postponement of written examination for the post of Pump Operator scheduled to be held on 18.10.2023

List of Eligible candidates for the posts of Statistician cum Lecturer, Speech Therapist and Multitasking Staff (Plumbing Section/Electrical Section/Boiler Attendant Section /Sewing Section of Rehab Centre /Pump Operation Section) for the Interview/ Written Examination schedule to be held on 17.10.2023, 18.10.2023 and 19.10.2023

In reference to Notice no. LGB/Estt/1671/Pt-III/4851 dated 25.08.2023, as intimated earlier all claimants against appointment on compensatory ground are requested again to submit details as per this notice

Notification regarding Interview/ Written examination for recruitment of Statistician cum Lecturer, Speech Therapist, Pump Operator and Multitasking Staff (Plumbing Section/Electrical Section/Boiler Attendant Section /Sewing Section of Rehab Centre /Pump Operation Section)

Provisional Result of the written examination for admission into Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course (2023-2024) held on 15.09.202

Results of the M.D. Psychiatry Examination, 2023 held in July, 2023

Walk-in-interview for admission for Post Doctoral Fellowship/ Fellowship Course to be held on 10.10.2023 in Administrative Building, LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Data Manager held on 15.09.2023 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

List of eligible candidates for appearing in written examination for admission into Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course to be held on 15.09,2023

Provisional result of the admission counseling of M. Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) course, 2023-2024 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the admission counseling of Masters in Medical Laboratory Sciences(MMLS) course, 2023-24 held on 06-09-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Consultant/ Assistant Professor and Consultant/ Senior Resident to be held on 25-09-2023 on contractual appointment (Tele-MANAS)

Notification regarding additional list of admission counselling to be held on 8th September, 2023 by Department of Psychiatric Nursing, LGBRIMH, Tezpur (Gauhati University)

Notification regarding vacancy position for M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing Program

Advertisement for walk-in-interview on 25-09-2023 for the posts of Senior Resident Doctors (three years tenure) in various Departments of the Institute vide advertisement no. 12/2023 dated 05-09-2023

List of shortlisted applicants for counseling of MMLS in Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology & Blood Banking and Medical Microbiology, on 6th September, 2023

Advertisement for walk-in-interview for the post of Data Manager under Addiction Treatment facility (ATF) scheme on 15-09-2023 vide advertisement no. 11/2023 dated 25-08-2023

Advertisement for the post of LDC by direct recruitment basis vide no. 10/2023 dated 25-08-2023

Notification for clarification regarding enrollment of existing employeesof this Institute to the Old Pension Scheme

Notification for admission counseling for deputed / sponsored applicants from North Eastern Region (NER) for M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing

Notification for list of shortlisted applicants for counseling of M. Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) on 8th September, 2023

Notification for admission counseling schedule for M. Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) and Masters in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MMLS) at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for inviting applications from interested and eligible candidates for admission in 26 nos.of seats in Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing course for the written examination to be held on 15.09.2023

In reference to the Notification No. LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/4425 dated 3rd August, 2023, written examination held on 22.08.2023 for recruitment of Staff Nurse and Ward Sister, candidates recommended by the evaluation committee

Corrigendum in reference to the Advt. No. 07/2023 dated 08.06.2023 and Advt. No. 09/2023 dated 16.08.2023

In reference to the Notification No. LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/4425 dated 3rd August, 2023, written examination held on 19.08.2023 and 21.08.2023 respectively for recruitment of Assistant Store Officer and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Matron and Assistant matron recommended by the evaluation committee

Notice regarding waitlisted candidate provisionally selected to the PhD in Clinical Psychology course at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice regarding waitlisted candidate provisionally selected to the M.Phil in Clinical Psychology course at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Advertisement for the post of Assistant Registrar vide advertisement no. 09/2023 dated 16-09-2023

Provisional result of the Admission Counselling of Ph.D in Clinical Psychology course, 2023-24, held on 10-08-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the Admission Counselling of Ph.D in Psychiatric Nursing course, 2023-24, held on 10-08-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the Admission Counselling of Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work course, 2023-24, held on 10-08-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the Admission Counselling of M.Phil in Clinical Psychology course, 2023-24, held on 04-08-2023 and 08-08-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Provisional result of the Admission Counselling of M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work course, 2023-24, held on 04-08-2023 and 09-08-2023 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notice for closure of admission counselling for M.Phil programmes at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Download Call Letter-cum-Admit Card for the written examination vide notification no.LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/4425 dated 03-08-2023

Notice for admission to MD Psychiatry course for the Academic Year 2023-24 at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Vacancy position for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatric Social Work

Second Call for admission counselling for deputed/ sponsored applicants from North Eastern Region (NER) for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work or Clinical Psychology

Additional Counselling schedule in lieu of NER seats going vacant for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology Programme

Additional Counselling schedule in lieu of NER seats going vacant for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Programme

Notification for dates and times of written examination for Assistant Store Officer, Staff Nurse, Ward Sister and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Matron and Assistant Matron in continuation of Notification No. No.LGB/Estt/LDE/1792/13/3738 dated 03.07.2023 and No.LGB/Estt/LDE/1792/13/4075 dated 13.07.2023 and advertisement No. 02/2023, No.05/2023 and 07/2023

LGBRIMH GURET Counselling Notice

Addendum in reference to Admission Counselling Notification LGB/ACA/AEEGU/2598/17/4300, 4301, 4303 and 4304 dated 27th July 2023

Notification for admission counselling schedule for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling schedule for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling schedule for Ph.D in Clinical Psychology Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling schedule for Ph.D in Psychiatric Nursing Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling schedule for Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work Programme at LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling dates for M.Phil and Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology, LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Notification for admission counselling for Deputed/ Sponsored applicants from North Eastern Region (NER) for M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work or Clinical Psychology

Revised Prospectus 2023-24

Notification for admission to M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing and M.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MMLS) course at LGBRIMH, Tezpur for the Academic Session 2023-24

Notification for Fee Structure in relation to students coming for short term training from private institutions

Notification regarding postponement of written examination in reference to notification no. LGB/Estt/LDE/1792/13/3738 dated 03-07-2023

Notification regarding updated list of candidates in continuation of the notification No. LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/3783 dated 05-07-2023

Applications are invited for the Written Examination to be held on 28.07.2023 at Cafeteria Building From Institute Employee (MTW) for the post of LDC to be filled up through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination

Provisional result of the Written Examination for Limited Departmental Examination for the posts of Accountant and UDC held on 28.06.2023 vide notification dated 05.06.2023

Notification regarding list of candidates in reference to the Advt. No. 05/2023 and Advt. No. 07/2023 and Notification LGB/Estt/LDE/1792/13/3738 dated 03-07-2023

Notification in reference to the result for Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 08-06-2023 and admission counseling dated 30-06-2023

Notification regarding written examination for recruitment of Assistant Registrar, Assistant Store Officer, Multi Tasking Staff (Plumbing Section/Electrical Section/Boiler Attendant Section /Sewing Section of Rehab Centre /Pump Operation Section) and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Matron and Assistant Matron with reference to the Institute advertisement No.05/2023 and 07/2023

Applications are invited for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to be held on 25th July, 2023 (3:00 PM to 4:30 PM) from the employees of the Institute for the post of Matron

Provisional result of the contractual engagement of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Work against No. LGB/ACA/T-Manas/2706/22/2362 dated 24-04-2023

Notification in reference to office notification no. LGB/Estt/LDE/1972/13/3107 dated 05-06-2023 for Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Accountant and UDC

Application are invited for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination from the employee of the Institute for the post of Assistant Matron

Notification regarding eligible candidate to appear in the Written Examination for the post of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Work under National Tele Mental Health Programme to be held on 20-06-2023

Notification regarding the provisional result of Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 08-06-2023

Notification regarding information for application form for PGET-2023 for M.Sc. Nursing (Psychiatric Nursing) and Masters in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MMLS)

Advertisement for the posts of Vocation Counsellor/ Therapist and Speech Therapist vide advertisement no. 08/2023 dated 09-06-2023

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Registrar, Assistant Store Officer and Multitasking Staff(Electrical Section, Plumbing Section, boiler attendent section, sewing section of Rehab centre, Pump operation section) vide advertisement no. 07/2023 dated 08-06-2023

Notification for Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Accountant and UDC vide advertisement no. LGB/Estt/LDE/1792/13/3107 dated 05-06-2023

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor(Psychiatry, PSW, CP) and Statistician cum Lecturer vide advertisement no. 06/2023 dated 05-06-2023

Notification regarding list of eligible candidates to appear in the written examination to be held on 20-06-2023 for the post of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Work vide Advertisement no. LGB/ACA/T-MANAS/2706/22/2362 dated 24.04.2023

Notification regarding Prospectus for LGBRIMH for the session 2023-24 admission for PG/Diploma (MD Psychiatry/M.Sc Psychiatric Nursing/Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing/ M.Sc. in Master in Medical Laboratory Sciences), M.Phil (Clinical Psychology/Psychiatric Social Work) and Ph.D (Clinical Psychology/Psychiatric Social Work/Psychiatric Nursing) courses

Notification regarding list of eligible and rejected candidates for the post of Ward Sister vide Advertisement no. 02/2023 dated 09.03.2023

In reference to the Advt. No. LGB/Estt/Admission/PD/Fellowship/2200/2023/2210 dated 18th April, 2023 for Post Doctoral Fellowship/ Fellowship Course, Interview /Selection test is scheduled to be held on 08.06.2023 from 10.00 a.m. onwards

Advertisement for the post of Ward Sister, Staff Nurse, Mechanic (Boiler), Laundry Supervisor, Pump Operator vide Advertisement on. 05/2023 dated 19-05-2023

Notification regarding postponement of Interview/ Written Examination for the posts under National Tele Mental Health Programme"(Tele-MANAS)" in reference to Advertisement No. LGB/ACA/T-Manas/2706/22/2362 dated 24.04.2023

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 11-04-2023

Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Consultant/ Assistant Professor, Consultant/ Senior Resident and Clinical Psychologist/ Pyschiatric Social Work to be held on 15-05-2023 on contractual appointment (Tele-MANAS)

Notification regarding enrollment to Old Pension Scheme

Admission for Post Doctoral Fellowship/ Fellowship Course

Walk in-interview for the post of Senior Resident Doctors through online/offline mode to be held on 11-04-2023 for the department of Psychiatry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Radiology, Anesthesiology vide advertisement no. 03/2023 dated 29-03-2023

Provisional result of interview for the posts of Assistant Professor (Psychiatry and Pathology) and Associate Professor (Psychiatric Social Work) held on 20.03.2023 vide advertisement no. 26/2022 dated 31.10.2022 and no. 27/2022 dated 06.12.2022

Download call letter for interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Psychiatry), Assistant Professor(Pathology) and Associate Professor (PSW)

Advertisement for the post of Ward Sister and Vocation Counsellor/ Therapist vide Advertisement on. 02/2023 dated 09-03-2023

Notification in reference to advertisement no 27/2022 for the post of Associate Professor of PSW, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Assistant Professor of Pathology

Addendum in reference to notification no. LGB/Estt/1850/16/1047 dated 23.02.2023 and application form for Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Accountant and UDC

Notification for Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Accountant and UDC

Provisional resultof the walk-in-interview for the posts of Medical Officer, Data Manager, Counsellor and Nurse held on 14.02.2023 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Notification in continuation of LGB/Estt/ATF/2177/2023/818 dated 13.02.2023 for list of eligible candidates

Notification regarding list of eligible candidates for the post of Medical Officer, Counsellor, Nurse and Data Manager vide advertisement no. 01/2023

Brochure for Online Certificate Course on Geriatric Care

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Fellowships

Vacancy circular for variuos Group 'A' posts on deputation basis at Regional Institute of Paramedical & Nursing Sciences (RIPANS), Aizawl

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines for Extramural Research Programme

Brochure for Certificate Course on Women's Mental Health

Brochure for Certificate Course on Psychosocial Support in Disaster Management

Advertisement for walk in interview to be held on 14.02.2023 for the temporary/ contractual posts of Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, Counsellor and Data Manager under Addiction Treatment Facility (ATF)

Circular regarding 74th Rpublic Day on 26-01-2023

Brochure for Certificate Course on Geriatric Mental Health

Training of Trainers on Mental Health and Well-Being for Police Personnel

Notification regarding the result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry held on 10-01-2023

Notification in reference to the advertisement No. LGB/Estt/246/01/part-IV/5130 dated 10.12.2021 and written examination held on 21.1O.2022 and 22.1O.2022, the provisional 2nd merit list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse and LDC

Notification regarding the result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Pathology/Biochemistry) held on 21-12-2022

Advertisement for walk in interview to be held on 10.01.2023 to draw a panel of Assistant Professor(Psychiatry) for full time (3 months) contractual engagement vide advertisement no. 29/2022 dated 30-12-2022

Notice regarding extension of last date of receipt of duly completed application for the post of Assistant professor vide Advertisement no. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-IV/8709 dated 06.12.2022

Notification regarding the result of the contractual engagement of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Worker, Technical Coordinator/ Project Coordinator and Data Entry Operator against No. LGB/ACA/T-Manas/2706/22/5899 dated 29.09.2022

Circular regarding rolling faculty advertisement of AIIMS, Kalyani

Notification in reference to advertisement no. 28/2022 dated 12-12-2022

Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor(Psychiatry, Pathology, Neurology, PSW, CP, Psychiatric Nursing) vide advertisement no. 27/2022 dated 06-12-2022

Notification regarding the provisional merit list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse in reference to the advertisement no. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-IV/5130 dated 10-12-2021 and written examination held on 21-10-2022

Notification regarding the provisional merit list of the candidates for the post of LDC in reference to the advertisement no. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-IV/5130 dated 10-12-2021 and written examination held on 22-10-2022

Notification regarding submission of self attested copies of original documents pertaining to their eligibility for the post od LDC for the list of sponsored candidates by employment excahnge on 28.03.2022

Notification regarding list of eligible and rejected candidates to appear for Written Examination for the post of Garden Supervisor, Mechanic (Boiler), Laundry Supervisor and Medical Record Technician vide Advertisement no. 25/2022 dated 19.09.2022