
Provisional result of the selection against advertisement No. 06/2023 and 10/2024 for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry on contractual basis held on 17.01.2025 (Advt. No. 19/2024 dated 30.12.2024)

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview (hybrid mode) for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry) held on 23-12-2024 (Advt. No. 18/2024)

Provisional result of the ATF counseling for the post of Counselor and Data Manager held on 24.12.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme (Advt. No. 12/2024 & 14/2024)

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Data Manager held on 23.09.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Counselor held on 23.09.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Medical Officer and Nurse held on 23.09.2024 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Project Research Scientist - I (non-medical) for an ICMR- Funded Project (contractual) held on 27.09.2024

Notification regarding additional list for the post of Technical Coordinator/ Project coordinator National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS)

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview (hybrid mode) for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/ Pathology) held on 22-07-2024 (Advt. No. 08/2024)

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Consultant/ Asst. Prof. and Consultant/ Senior Resident under National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts Psychiatric Social Worker under NMHP held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Staff Nurse ATF (Addiction Treatment Facility) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Technical Coordinator/ Project coordinator National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-MANAS) held on 01.07.2024

Provisional result of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Coordinator on contract basis in the National Commission for Women (NCW) funded project entitled "Mental Health Needs, Help Seeking Behaviour, Policies, and Practices for Mental Health Promotion among Female Students in Colleges of Sonitpur and Nagaon Districts of Assam"

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/ Microbiology) held on 16-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result in reference to Advt. No. 02/2024 for various posts(contractual engagement) under NMHP held on 31-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result for the post of Staff Nurse (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme held on 31-01-2024

Notification regarding the provisional result for Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 05-01-2024

Notification regarding the candidates found eligible and recommended by evaluation committee for the recruitment of MTS (Plumbing Section) and MTS (Boiler Attendant Section)

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Consultant/ Senior Resident under Tele-MANAS held on 25.09.2023

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 25-09-2023

Results of the M.D. Psychiatry Examination, 2023 held in July, 2023

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Data Manager held on 15.09.2023 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

In reference to the Notification No. LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/4425 dated 3rd August, 2023, written examination held on 22.08.2023 for recruitment of Staff Nurse and Ward Sister, candidates recommended by the evaluation committee

In reference to the Notification No. LGB/Estt/246/01/P-V/4425 dated 3rd August, 2023, written examination held on 19.08.2023 and 21.08.2023 respectively for recruitment of Assistant Store Officer and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Matron and Assistant matron recommended by the evaluation committee

Provisional result of the Written Examination for Limited Departmental Examination for the posts of Accountant and UDC held on 28.06.2023 vide notification dated 05.06.2023

Notification in reference to the result for Post Doctoral Fellowship course held on 08-06-2023 and admission counseling dated 30-06-2023

Provisional result of the contractual engagement of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Work against No. LGB/ACA/T-Manas/2706/22/2362 dated 24-04-2023

Notification regarding the provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 11-04-2023

Provisional result of interview for the posts of Assistant Professor (Psychiatry and Pathology) and Associate Professor (Psychiatric Social Work) held on 20.03.2023 vide advertisement no. 26/2022 dated 31.10.2022 and no. 27/2022 dated 06.12.2022

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Medical Officer, Data Manager, Counsellor and Nurse held on 14.02.2023 (contractual engagement) under ATF Scheme

Notification regarding the result of the walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry held on 10-01-2023

Notification in reference to the advertisement No. LGB/Estt/246/01/part-IV/5130 dated 10.12.2021 and written examination held on 21.1O.2022 and 22.1O.2022, the provisional 2nd merit list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse and LDC

Notification regarding the result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Pathology/Biochemistry) held on 21-12-2022

Notification regarding the result of the contractual engagement of Clinical Psychologist/ Psychiatric Social Worker, Technical Coordinator/ Project Coordinator and Data Entry Operator against No. LGB/ACA/T-Manas/2706/22/5899 dated 29.09.2022

Notification regarding the provisional merit list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse in reference to the advertisement no. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-IV/5130 dated 10-12-2021 and written examination held on 21-10-2022

Notification regarding the provisional merit list of the candidates for the post of LDC in reference to the advertisement no. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-IV/5130 dated 10-12-2021 and written examination held on 22-10-2022

Result of the Written Examination held on 30.09.2022 for the post of Accountant

Result of the Written Examination for the post of Nursing Tutor under NMHP held on 10.10.2022

Result of the Written Examination held on 20.09.2022 for the posts of Radiographer and Clinical Psychologist

Result of the Written Examination held on 30.09.2022 for the post of JE (civil)

Result of the written Examination held on 20.09.2022 for the posts of Ward Sister and Nursing Tutor

Result of the lnterview held on 10.10.2022 for contractual appointment to the posts of Assistant Professor(Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing, Psychiatric Social Work and Clinical Psychology) under NMHP

Result of the Written Examination held on 30.09.2022 for the posts of Driver (Ordinary Grade) and Stenographer (G-II)

Provisional result of selection for the post of Assistant Professor(Biochemistry) and Assiatant Medical Superintendent vide advertisement no. 07/2022 dated 15.02.2022 and 16/2022 dated 10.06.2022

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 01-08-2022

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Assistant Professor (Psychiatry) held on 16-07-2022

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Microbiology) held on 11-05-2022

Notification regarding result of the contractual engagement of LDC against advertisement No.01/2022 dated 03.0l.2022, for which written examination was conducted on 11.01.2022

Provisional results of the interviews held on 09.04.2022, 11.04.2022 and 12.04.2022 vide advertisement no. 03/2022 dated 21.01.2022, No. 05/2022 dated 01.02.2022 and No. 07/2022 dated 15.02.2022 respectively

Results of Written Examination held on 18/01/2022 for the post of Junior Warden

Results of Examination held on 25/02/2022 for NMHP engagement

Result of Limited Departmental Examination for the post of UDC held on 18/01/2022

Result of Examination held on 11/01/2022 for Contractual engagement

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview held on 23.11.2021 for engagement of Technical Assistant (s) under ICMR

Provisional Result of the Walk-in-Interview held on 30.11.2021 for the post of Honorary visiting Anesthesiologist for contractual engagement

Provisional Result of the Walk-in-Interview held on 14.09.2021 for the posts of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry for full time contractual engagement

Provisional result of walk-in-interview held on 03-09-2021 for the post of Senior Resident(Psychiatry/Microbiology)

Provisional result of walk-in-interview held on 17-08-2021 against Advt. No. 05/2021 for engagement of Nursing Tutor on contractual basis

Provisional result of walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor of various departments on contractual basis held on 13-08-2021

Provisional result of the waiting list candidates selected for contractual engagement of Staff Nurse

Provisional result of the walk-in-interview for contractual engagement of Staff Nurse held on 28-07-2021

Provisional Result of the Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor of Psychiatry/Microbiology/Clinical Psychology/ Psychiatric Nursing held on 07.07.2021

Result of the Written Examination held on 03.03.2019 for the post of Speech Therapist

Provisional Result of the walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Resident (Psychiatry/Pathology) held on 09.04.2021
